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About the Artist

Born in the desert, and raised between Asia and Arizona
for the greater part of her life, Kimberly has made a life out of contrasting and bridging distant cultures, topics, and design elements. 
Her primary education consisted of a biology major, ceramics and printmaking training in college. Always striving to reconcile her loves of science, art, and people, her life's work has taken her through working in the tropical rainforest on conservation research, professional scientific illustration, creating educational art displays for the public, and creating educational opportunities for underserved communities.
Now armed with an MBA in international business and a master's in business management, Kimberly spends much of her professional and volunteer life helping for-profit and non-profit organizations alike to become more effective and efficient in meeting their operational goals.
Having traveled widely through countless biological and human ecosystems, Kimberly's work is an examination of the complex beauty of where cultures and natural phenomena exist, collide, and overlap. She welcomes all requests for collaborations, commissions, and consulting.
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